Sara Hall Photography - singles

Animal control officer Mike Teague checks on a sick sea lion that came up onto the beach near 56th Street. The sea lion was thought to have domoic acid poisoning.

Lorraine Steen of New Jersey looks around the SOCALPAPA “Paint Back Bay” event on Saturday at the Interpretive Center near Upper Newport Bay. Steen said she was visiting her daughter and son-in-law who live in Newport Beach.

David learns how to quickly get into turnout gear during the Junior Firefighter Camp in Newport Beach on Aug. 12.

Greenville resident Constance Bashore reads a paper at the Greenville Public Library on March 10. Bashore, who has been visiting the library several times a week for many years, said she has seen an increase in visitors since the economy has gone down.

A surfer catches a wave on a chilly fall morning in Huntington Beach. Surfers flock to the beach town which is also known as "Surf City."

The famous twin-waterfall Låtefossen in Oddadalen, Hordaland County, Norway. Dropping 541 feet are two separate streams flowing down from lake Lotevatnet.

Nolan Harrison, a maintenance employee for Bradford Exempted Schools, explains how the solar panels in the background capture the most solar energy possible because of their location and angle on the roof of the school. Harrison said the panels should save the school a large amount of money on their utility bill.

A young girl, still partially in costume, prepares for the Newport Beach Junior Lifeguards' annual “Monster Mile” event. The young lifeguards, aged between 9 and 15, ran one mile from the pier to 10th Street and then swam back.

A volunteer loads a tray with bundles of eelgrass to be transplanted on Monday at the Back Bay Science Center.
The night lights of the city, harbor, and bridge (Stavanger bybru) in Stavanger, Norway.
Bob Olson, CEO of R.D. Olson Development, the company building Lido House Hotel, speaks to the tour attendees. Many locals on the tour agreed that the boutique hotel was a bright idea for the community.

Ohio State Senator Gary Cates (R-4) (left) speaks with Ohio Representative Jim Zehringer (R-77) at the Darke County Lincoln Day Dinner in Greenville on Feb. 28. Zehringer made a short speech and introduced guest speaker John Kasich.

WWII veteran Dick O’Brien cheers on his group of students that dressed up in military garb for the Living History luncheon at Corona del Mar High School.

Republican incumbent Dana Rohrabacher speaks to a crowd at his Costa Mesa campaign headquarters during a primary election night event.
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Orange County Supervisor and 48th Congressional District candidate, Michelle Steel, speaks at a Republican Party of Orange County event at CP Restaurant in Newport Beach.
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Newport Beach Utilities Director Mark Vukojevic checks over the water system at the city’s yard on 16th Street.

A firefighter cuts off a metal panel from a mangled Mercedes during a vehicle extrication training exercise on Friday.

A professional drifter hands a t-shirt to a young fan during a show at the Barrett Jackson car auction on Sunday.

Counter-protesters yell as the white supremacist group National Socialist Movement comes into view at the Los Angeles City Hall on April 17.

A Chevy Monte Carlo sits in the meridian of the U.S. Route 127 highway and Sebring-Warner streets intersection in Greenville after colliding with a truck on March 27 as emergency workers try and help a young toddler boy with injuries in the background. One woman, Billie Kress, 25, of Greenville, was ejected from the car and was pronounced dead on the scene. Melinda Holliday, 26, also of Greenville (a passenger in the car) died later at the hospital.

Newport Beach firefighter Adam Schwegman emerges from his protective fire shelter during Tuesday's wildfire refresher course.

Corona del Mar High School senior Emma Kaye fixes on her hair as she gets ready for prom. Kaye and other students spent weeks planning and prepping for the big day.
The sail of a University of California, Irvine, Marina Park boat flaps in the wind in front of the Lighthouse Cafe at grand opening event of Marina Park on the Balboa Peninsula.

A woman, who introduced herself as Jennifer, tells a story of a friend who went through tough times when he announced he was gay. Many people at the protest stood up and told stories of their own.
A KAYPA (Korean American Youth Performing Artists) dancer performs a Korean traditional drum dance at the 16th Annual Sage Hill School Multicultural Fair on Saturday.

Kathy Graham wipes off one of the beds in the Good Samaritan homeless shelter in Greenville. Graham said the shelter is full almost all year and about 98 percent of the residents are Darke County locals.

Newport Beach firefighter Justin Dean soaks the ground during a wildland fire training exercise on Tuesday. The hose used for wildfires is lighter, longer and can be extended.

Bubba Ruddy, catcher for the Cypress College baseball team, prepares to catch the ball in an effort to tag out Riverside Community Colleges Robert Burk across home plate in the 10th inning during a game March 29 at Cypress. Although Burk was safe and his run put Riverside ahead in the extra inning, Cypress hit in two more and won the game 7-6.
Harbor Day first graders Sheridan Hofer, 6, and Kaitlyn Dostert, 7, meet Gus, a Western screech owl, when the Traveling Scientist visited the school on Friday.

Girls from a local rehab home work on getting healthy by helping horses at the Back Bay Therapeutic Riding Club. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to providing an avenue to improve the bodies, minds and spirits of children, youth and adults with physical and or developmental disabilities, through therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other unique activities.

A firefighter from Huntington Beach looks for his backup as the Brea fire rages behind him on Nov. 15. Several nearby fire departments were called in to help fight the blaze, which was difficult to do because of the hills and strong winds.
Captain Clay McDermott aboard John Wayne’s yacht, Wild Goose, during an Aug. 7 Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Marine Committee tour of the boat, now owned by Hornblower.

Kayleigh C. and Peanut have bonded, to the benefit of both, through the Back Bay Therapeutic Riding Club. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to providing an avenue to improve the bodies, minds and spirits of children, youth and adults with physical and or developmental disabilities, through therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other unique activities.

A firefighter douses flames coming from the engine of a car on Feb. 11 in Greenville. A tube burst and caused the engine fire. The driver was unharmed.

Chuck Reynolds pilots his hot air balloon "Tree Top Flyer" over the city of Montague on a crisp fall morning during the Montague Rotary Balloon Festival. Reynolds said he named his balloon after a song that reminded him of a friend that had died.

Pirates cheer as Dennis Holland steps off the ferry. The pirates were at the Balboa Fun Zone on Saturday rallying support to save Shawnee, the historic ship Holland is restoring in his Newport Beach backyard.

Happy Hoofers dancer Lu Johnson, 85, (front, left) strikes a pose during a dance number at a recent rehearsal. The group is made up of senior citizens.

Firefighters work behind a cracked and rippled windshield during a training exercise on vehicle extrication.

Pearson's Port co-owner Terese Pearson grabs some fresh fish for a customer. Pearson's, located under the PCH bridge in Newport Beach, is the last floating fish market in California.

A woman stands among hundreds of protesters who oppose the rally being held by about 40 white supremacists from the National Socialist Movement demonstrated in front of Los Angeles City Hall on April 17.

People yell and cheer in unison at a Prop 8 protest in Irvine on Nov. 15. Many people in the crowd carried American and rainbow flags.

Police in riot gear push back a crowd of counter-protesters as the National Socialist Movement group ends their rally and leaves the parking lot.

Gary Fain of Irvine visits the accident site where five teenagers died in a car crash on Jamboree Road on Monday.
An American flag hangs behind a statue depicting Ben Carlson, the first Newport Beach lifeguard to die in the line of duty, that was unveiled Wednesday night.

Ginny K. (middle) and a man who wished to remain unnamed examine trash bins as Rainbow Disposal staff (left) speak with residents after the Speak Up Newport meeting about outsourcing the city’s trash service.

A man hoses off his roof to try and protect his home as the Brea fire rages approximately 50 feet away on Nov. 15. The hills and strong winds made it difficult to fight the fire.

A couple sits at the top of Preikestolen (also known as Pulpit Rock), a steep cliff which rises 604 meters (1,982 feet) above the Lysefjorden near Stavanger, Norway, during a foggy sunrise around 4:30 a.m. on a summer morning.